How to write blog post 

There are currently million blogs on the internet. Considering exact number, one wonders if starting a blog is still profitable. And yet, it is entirely possible to create a blog that pays off if you adapt to the demands and demands of Internet users, which are constantly evolving. Want to make money from your blog. It is important to learn how to start and manage it. Here are some tips that may help you.

Learn the basics of creating a blog that will pay you back

  • First think to find a niche you are passionate about and your audience
  • Take care of the blog design 
  • Eye catching blog for targeted audience, customers and buyers
  • Optimize blog SEO
  • Some effective tips for making money with your blog
  • Affiliate
  • Place ads 
  • Sell your own products
  • Write interesting educational articles

As a new on this field, you will think that it is boring to write and maintain and time consuming and most of you seem uninteresting and difficult but there are many ways to make it easy and profitable as many people earning from it.

To be able to make your blog profitable, you must first of all find a niche that you are passionate about. The choice of theme is a crucial element for the sustainability of your site. Indeed, if you opt for a topic that does not interest you beyond its financial aspect, you will have difficulty finding content each time and you will be forced to stop at some point. However, your goal is to make your site profitable.
To avoid facing this kind of situation and fail in the first year, it is better to choose a subject that you master to perfection and which meets a real need. Indeed, it is important to choose a subject that interests people and provides a solution to their problems. To find out if a particular niche is interesting, check if there is a lot of people and advertising around it.
Make good blog design. 
You choose blog topic interesting and informative in the beginning your blog journey. When you command on it then move it towards your business. Nowadays there many very beautiful and easy to handle templates you can download for your blog or as a beginner you can work on Google blog.

First understand what is a blog post?

Blog post is any article on any topic such as your daily routine, news, guide and many other topics that you can publish from blog. Blog words rang between 500 to 200 words.

A blog allow you to write an articles about your business, thoughts, stories and inform to the world. To know more detail about blog post, free templates, manage it and other important information can search on Google, how to write blog post and mange a blog. You will get lots of blog post in which you can choose and read for more details. 

 I am writing some here some interesting topics :

Snow falls and fun 

There are many ways to enjoy snow falls and weather condition and share your experience to write a blog or to write book.

how to write blog post
how to write blog post

Food and drink

There are lots foods and drinks in Snow Fun. Hot Pots are a great. This brings the cooking moment to the table with friends to enjoy. This makes cooking a bit more social. Eating with friends is a fun when snow falls outside the house. Great enjoyable movement.

New Ways to Eat Food

You can now choose which method for eating meal. You can choose from forks, knife, wooden, plastic or steel chopsticks.

how to write blog post
how to write blog post

Decorate salad dish

How to write blog post
how to write blog post

You can write a post on different ways to decorate your salat and write about vegetables benefits. Another way to decorate a salad dish.

how to write blog post
how to write blog post

Lifestyles with friends

You can about your lifestyle can be changed with your friends or not, a good post can write with good images, you can download royalty free images from free sites.  Take a vacation and visit your favorite available place around the world.