How to make money online

Make money online free

how to make money online
how to make money online

Everyone wants money and why not, money is the key of locked issues. So everyone is chasing for the key race. Today I will tell you where the key is hidden. How you can be enrich. There are several ways but I am writing here some really good and easy ways. You can work from home beside your job or as a busy mother or want to work from home only for any reason. Here I tell you one thing that the name of that key is skill. Any skill is necessary. Key is hidden inside skill. 

Some of the skills are: 

  • Copy writing
  • Ghostwriter
  • Technical writer 
  • Sell ​​things
  • Become a translator
  • Create Design
  • Make a Craft
  • Refer your friends

Copy writing

If you have a good writing skill and write a text for advertising or marketing. For any product to increase sell to write good content and also good content gives an awareness of a   brands to people. You can work as a freelancer from home or search your clients and run a business.

Become a translator

You can work as a translator. However, being fluent in several languages ​​is a real plus for your dream. You can either offer your services directly on freelance work sites like Fiverr, or Upwork to find small or large translation assignments that suit you. Open an account on those freelancing sites are free. Translate documents, papers, books to different languages as I have written in my previous post how to translate from one languages to another using Google translate.


Create designs


If you are a little creative you can easily create pretty logos and illustrations using online software. Indeed, no need for the Adobe suite or the latest MacBook Pro, go to sites like Canva or PicMonkey. Create your account and start create designs, logos, book cover and social media's photo and edit photos and more read on those website or watch videos on youtube. You can offer your services on fiverr or sell from your website or online stores or even your friends or family.


Make crafts


If you are creative or do you have an inspirational hand in the design. The Etsy site allows you to sell your handmade items to more active buyers. There are many stories of passionate people who have managed to generate significant income through the platform. 


Refer your friends


Sponsorship is arguably one of the best. Whether it's online software, online banking, or survey sites, many sites and some money making apps offer a referral program. Success is that it does not require any special knowledge or skills  some intelligent skills required for this, choose only a good network system. Referral program is a great way to quickly generate additional income, it is also a way to share a service you use and enjoy with others. You can earn money by affiliates program. There are lots of affiliate sites, offer good commission. So if you choose one of above ways you get your success key and live a happily life with lot of money.