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Lots of approach you will be able to build cash online. One amongst those is to write on any topic as I have written in any other post. Today I am writing on color. 

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What will color say regarding your personality? 

Everybody likes or dislikes color since childhood. If some color pencils or the other color full objects area unit organized during a basket or somewhere, the kid can select the color he/she likes, it’s natural.

Most people like the same color from childhood. Some people's  color choice can be change in future of their life but  others like stay on  one color. If any color attract you or you go towards a specific color, it means you like that color. 

If you use different colors along with your favorites color then you can manage energies and behavior.  I will write for you the following colors  out of many colors.

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Pink
  • Black
  • Yellow
  • Grey
  • Green
  • Brown
  • White




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Red color is you favorite, fine you are impulsive. You ought to count to ten before reacting to things because it is in these things that your anger and aggression typically seems. You are continually during a hurry, desirous to do everything at once. Patience isn't one among your sturdy points. You are action directed and physically active. Sex may be a necessity to you. You have got sturdy survival instincts. You are formidable and competitive and wish to be the winner . You're action oriented and second place isn't ok for you. With you it's all or nothing. 

You usually gain the respect of others quite simply along with your sensible and grounded angle and talent to line boundaries. You do not procrastinate - you ne'er shelve till tomorrow what you'll be able to do these days. You are a tough employee after you have a temperament color red, and you specifically fancy physical labor and dealing along with your hands. You are aggressive and straightforward to anger, typically exhibiting a violent temper - this can be negative passion and energy. You flare up in a flash however relax quite quickly once you compass out of your system so forget it ever happened - you are doing not hold a grudge. You have a powerful would like for power and management that is connected to your basic survival instincts. You can be somewhat of a swellhead, not desirous to seem slow-witted or ignorant.

 You can be quite determined after you need one thing, however tend to possess a brief span, moving on to following neatest thing after you quickly get tired of the previous one - you would like it all and you would like it now! With a temperament color red you will have associate over active ego and seem boastful with an excellent inflated sense of your own price. This color is one in all trust, responsibility, honesty and loyalty. It sincere, reserved and quiet, and does not prefer to build a fuss or draw attention. It hates confrontation, and likes to try to things in its own manner.




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From a color psychological science perspective, blue is reliable and accountable. This color exhibits associate degree inner security and confidence. It reduces stress, making a way of calmness, relaxation and order - we tend to actually feel a way of calm if we tend to lie on our backs and appearance into a azure unclouded sky. It slows the metabolism. The paler the blue the additional freedom we tend to feel. The color blue relates to matched communication, particularly communication mistreatment the voice - speaking the reality through verbal style - it's the teacher, the general public speaker. The color blue is idealistic, enhancing style and our ability to speak our wants and needs. It conjures up higher ideals.

Blue's knowledge comes from its higher level of intelligence, a religious perspective. Blue is that the color of the spirit, devotion and spiritual study. It enhances contemplation and prayer. On the opposite hand, blue's devotion will be to any cause or construct it believes in, as well as devotion to family or work. Blue is that the helper, the rescuer, the friend in would like. Its success is outlined by the standard and amount of its relationships. It’s a giver, not a taker. It likes to make robust trusting relationships and becomes deeply hurt if that trust is betrayed.

Blue is conservative and predictable, a secure and non-threatening color, and therefore the most universally likable color of all, in all probability as a result of its safe and non-threatening. At identical time blue is persistent and determined to achieve whichever endeavors it pursues.

Blue is unhappy. It’s a color that lives within the past, relating everything within the gift and therefore the future to experiences within the past. You can believe it to require management and do the correct issue in tough times. It has a desire for order and direction in its life, as well as its living and work areas. Positive of this color are loyalty, trust, integrity, tactful, dependability, and responsibility, ideology and perseverance, caring and concern, idealistic and orderly, authority, devotion and contemplation, peaceful and calm. Negativity of this color includes rigid, deceitful and vindictive, depressed and unhappy, too passive, sanctimonious, irrational and showing emotion unstable, too conservative and old style, predictable and weak, unforgiving, upstage and frigid. It may indicate manipulation, infidelity and being undependable.

You are taking time to method and share your feelings. You’re real and sincere, and you are taking your responsibilities seriously. You are sensitive to the requirements of others and caring along with your shut circle of friends. Whereas you're friendly and sociable, you like the corporate of your own shut cluster of friends. 

You can be rigid - you wish to stay to what's acquainted to you and it's exhausting to sway you from your path - you obdurately do things your manner even though there's a stronger manner. You need to own direction & order in your living and work areas - untidiness and unpredictability overwhelm you.

You make a loyal associate degreed devoted wedding partner and you're an honest, trustworthy and sincere friend. You kind robust attachments, however risk an inclination to become codependent. You’ll be able to be quite emotional, responsive to others feelings and sensitive to the moods of others. You compare this to the past, wanting to authority figures, parents, bosses or alternative leaders, to support your beliefs regarding the planet.




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The color pink represents compassion, nurturing and love. It relates to unconditional love and understanding, and therefore the giving and receiving of nurturing.  The deeper the pink, the additional passion and energy it exhibits.

Pink is female and romantic, fond and intimate, thoughtful and caring. It tones down the physical passion of red exchange it with a delicate dotty energy. Pink is intuitive and perceptive, showing tenderness and kindness with its fellow feeling and sensitivity. In color science, pink may be a sign of hope. It’s a positive color inspiring heat and comforting feelings, a way that everything are okay.

 Pink will signify physiological condition, being 'in the pink', and success as in 'everything's rosy'. The color pink represents the sweetness and innocence of the kid all told people. It’s the color of uncomplicated emotions, ignorance and. A continuing and exclusive use of pink will typically lead you to become immature, silly and teenage, abandoning your adult responsibilities. Pink, from a negative color which means, will represent an absence of can power, an absence of self-sufficiency and an absence of self-worth. Combining pink with different darker colors like blue, dark green, black or grey, adds strength and class to pink. Positivity of this color is unconditional and romantic love, compassion and understanding, nurturing, romance, warmth, hope, calming, sweetness, naiveté, female and intuitive energy.

Negative of this color; being physically weak, over-emotional and over-cautious, having emotional neediness or unreasonable expectations. If pink is your favorite color, you're dotty, kind, generous and sensitive to the requirements of others. With a temperament color pink, you have got a maternal instinct, with a necessity to shield and beware of others. You are romantic and sensual and sensitive.




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The color black relates to the hidden, the incommunicative and therefore the unknown, it creates an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up within, hidden from the planet. In color science this color offers protection from external emotional stress. It creates a barrier between itself and therefore the outside world, providing comfort whereas protective its emotions and feelings, and concealment its vulnerabilities, insecurities and lack of self-worth. Black is that the absorption of all color and therefore the absence of sunshine. Black hides, whereas white brings to light-weight. What black covers, white uncovers. In color science, black means power and management, hanging on to data and things instead of giving resolute others. Black is discouraging, unfriendly and unapproachable thanks to the ability it exudes. Black implies self-control and discipline, independence and a powerful can, and giving a control of authority and power. Black absorbs negative energy. It’s helpful to hold one thing black with you to safeguard you from hurt and negativity once traveling or once going regarding your usual daily activities outside your home. Black is usually related to sexual desire and seduction, intrigue. It can even imply submission to a different (including a sexual partner), those who like black is also standard, conservative and heavy, or they'll consider themselves as being refined or terribly dignified. Once the sunshine seems, black becomes white, the color of recent beginnings. An excessive amount of black will cause depression and mood swings and make a negative atmosphere. Prestige and power square measure vital to you.  

I will write the rest of the colors in the next post.